Index to chemical substances and reactions, as well as journal articles, patents, conference papers, dissertations, reports, and more, in chemistry and related sciences. Users new to SciFinder should see more... for details on completing the one-time registration. Current users in need of account assistance or help regaining access to an expired login should contact
Click here to complete the initial registration for SciFinder Note that first-time registration requires a valid UM email address. See also: UM email support page for students OR UM email support page for faculty and staff
Indexes the world's leading peer reviewed journal literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and provides searching of cited references from 1900-present.
For an outline of a comprehensive science literature review, click here: Science Literature Review.
For tips on improving database search results, click here: Improving Database Search Results.
Suggested databases:
Full text scholarly journal, trade publication, magazine and newspaper articles, books, book reviews, reports, and Associated Press video content, covering all subject areas.
Full text titles from around the world (1960-present), including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. It incorporates specialized, editorially-curated abstracting and indexing resources as well as the AGRICOLA and TOXLINE databases and content previously available in ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).
Full text of more than 2,000 scholarly journal and magazine articles, covering all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, and finance.
Index to dissertations and theses from over 3,000 institutions in 88 countries. Full text coverage spans from 1743-present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637. Note: Dissertations & Theses Global may also be searched and accessed via Web of Science, as well as OneSearch.
Indexes MEDLINE, a database of scholarly journal articles in the life sciences with a focus on biomedicine, and additional life science journals and online books. Fields include behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering. Install the LibKey Nomad extension to improve your research experience.
Index to specialized journals and other sources covering the biochemical, pharmacological, physiological, and toxicological effects of drugs and other chemicals, from 1840s-present; most citations include Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Numbers.
Search specialized journals when looking for articles on your research topic. Some suggested browsing examples to look at are:
To browse journal titles, click here: Mansfield Library Journals.
Browse or search ejournal packages (NOTE: Some allow keyword searching of article full text):
Full text of over 30 research journals covering the chemical and related sciences published from 1879-present. Includes the archives of the ACS Symposium Series ebooks published 1974-2008; post-2009 not licensed.
Full text journal review articles synthesizing current research and understandings in science and social science disciplines. Complete archives-present provided for most AR titles. Note: This Ejournal Package was cancelled beginning Jan 2021. Click more... for details.
Package title list: Annual Reviews
See the Library Guide to Finding Articles for information about the cancellations and other resources for obtaining full text.
Post-2020 perpetual access will include:
• Volume 1 through 2020.
The library's ScienceDirect journal package was cancelled for 2024, changes took effect on January 1, 2024. See the Post-cancellation access to Elsevier ScienceDirect articles guide for further details and options for obtaining articles from cancelled journals.
This Ejournal Package was cancelled beginning Jan 2021. For a list of cancelled titles and ongoing subscriptions from Springer, see Springer. Content published from volume I to 1996 and 2006 to 2020, is available for many journals. Users can request non-licensed articles through interlibrary loan (within 1-4 days) or Article Galaxy Scholar, a rapid delivery service that provides immediate article access. See more… for details.
To request non-licensed articles directly from the Springer Nature site, install the LibKey Nomad extension. To request Springer Nature articles without installing Nomad, you can look up the article DOI or PMID through LibKey.iO or OneSearch. See Get the article through Interlibrary Loan or Article Galaxy Scholar (AGS) for more information.
Full text of over 1,600 e-journals covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. Coverage is generally 1997-present. The library does not license all content offered on the Wiley site. The 'Full Access' lock icon denotes content available to UM users. Non-licensed content may be requested through Interlibrary loan or Article Galaxy Scholar (AGS) services. See more… for details.
To request non-licensed articles directly from the Wiley site including pre-1997 volumes, install the LibKey Nomad extension. To request Wiley articles without installing Nomad, you can look up the article DOI or PMID through LibKey.iO or OneSearch. See Get the article through Interlibrary Loan or Article Galaxy Scholar (AGS) for more information.
To evaluate, compare, and rank journals using citation data, click on Journal Citation Reports and/or Scimago.
Resource tool for journal evaluation, using citation data drawn from over 11,000 journals dating back to 1997 and includes virtually all specialties in the areas of science, technology, and social sciences. Shows journal impact factors, highest impact journals, most frequently used journals, hottest journals and largest journals.
Catalog of library resources held by institutions around the world. Find materials and place interlibrary loan requests for resources not owned locally.
The search engine for materials owned by the library, both on the shelf and online. Also provides millions of full text article and citation records harvested from publishers, open access repositories, and a large percentage of the library's licensed databases. Click here to view a list of databases with content not findable or only partially findable in OneSearch.
Main Dewey Decimal call numbers for browsing chemistry materials in the Mansfield Library book stacks:
540 Chemistry & allied sciences
For a more detailed view of Dewey Decimal call numbers, click on: Dewey Decimal Classification Summaries
Directory of 108,000 foundations, corporate giving programs and grant-making public charities in the U.S.; a database of three million recently awarded grants; and a database of one million recently filed IRS forms 990 and 990-PF. Provides over 10,000 sources to help users identify scholarships, fellowships, or grants. This help article outlines how to search the database for grants to individuals.
Content now available through Foundation Directory Online.
Some suggested search engines are:
Here are some resources to help you manage your bibliographies:
Web-based bibliographic research management, writing, and collaboration tool. Designed for researchers to gather, organize, store and share all types of information and to generate formatted citations and bibliographies.
Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, 32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT 59812 | 406-243-6866 | Contact Us