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Library Guide to Finding Articles

Get the article through Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan requests may be submitted from records in OneSearch and library databases if full text is not available.

A blank request form may be accessed from Log onto Illiad

Articles are delivered electronically within 1-4 days and are available to the patron 24/7 for 30 days from the date of receipt. They can be viewed, printed, pasted into documents, saved to disk or downloaded to a personal computer.

See Interlibrary Loan Policies for more information about use and timelines for interlibrary loan services.

Quick article lookup tool

Tip: Use the search box below if you have a DOI or PMID from a citation. This quick lookup tool allows you to quickly determine if the article is available from a library source and place an interlibrary loan or Article Galaxy Scholar request if we do not have the item.

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

Article Galaxy Scholar

Article Galaxy Scholar (AGS) is a rapid article delivery service that was added in January 2024, to supplement interlibrary loan services for the Elsevier journals cancelled at that time. AGS provides 24/7, near instant access to articles not owned by the library, in contrast to the 1-4 days it takes for traditional interlibrary loan. Beginning Fall 2024, the library has added additional publishers to the list of content eligible for AGS requests, including Springer, Sage, Oxford University Press, and others. Use the request form detailed in the following instructions to determine if an article is eligible for AGS or if interlibrary loan is the only option.

AGS and interlibrary loan services are provided at no cost to our users. However, AGS costs the library additional fees that average $30 per request. To keep costs manageable, the library encourages users to place requests via interlibrary loan rather than AGS if immediate article access is not needed. To ensure that we can continue to provide AGS as a service, we will closely monitor its usage and make every effort to allocate a sufficient budget to meet patron demands. It is important to note, however, that if our funds for this service are depleted, it may not be possible to restore them until the following fiscal year.

To place an AGS request, find the citation of the article in OneSearch. Citations lacking full text services are findable by selecting "Include results with citation only" under Refine Results.

Refine Results OneSearch interface

An article record without a full text match from one of our subscriptions or open access source will display as No full text.

Click on the record to view interlibrary loan and AGS service options described below. ***Log into OneSearch if prompted.

Request from another library - Interlibrary loan service - estimated delivery for articles is 1-4 days.

Check on immediate availability from Article Galaxy Scholar - May not be an option for all titles. Articles cost the library $30 per request on average. Please consider using interlibrary loan instead if a 1-4 day period is acceptable for your needs.

AGS and ILL in OneSearch menu

The Article Galaxy Scholar option will open a request form if the content is available from AGS. If it is not, a link to a traditional interlibrary loan request form will be provided.

Example of an article available through AGS

AGS request form

Example of an article NOT available through AGS

AGS not available for article

To make an AGS request, enter a valid UM email address and click Submit.

Click on the Request PDF button to submit the request.

The article PDF will load in your browser or you can download it at a later time through the confirmation email you receive. Download the article to a location you will be able to access later. The download will only work once before you will get an error message.

Open PDF in browser from AGS

Note: You will receive a confirmation email from "Reprints Desk," followed by a second email with a link to the PDF. This link will be valid for 30 days. If you don't receive your article in a timely manner, check your SPAM filter and add "" to your list of permitted senders.

Example of PDF download email:

Reprints Desk AGS sample email

The document is protected by copyright. You are responsible for complying with all appropriate copyright laws with your use of this article.