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Fire Management Research Guide

Information resources for Forest Fire or Wildfire Management research and study.

Start Here / Best Databases

Other Relevant Databases

For an outline of a comprehensive science literature review, click here: Science Literature Review.

For tips on improving database search results, click here: Improving Database Search Results.

Suggested databases:


Search specialized magazines and journals when looking for articles on your research topic. Some suggested browsing examples to look at are: 

To browse journal titles, click here: Mansfield Library Journals.

Browse or search ejournal packages (note: Some allow keyword searching of article full text):

To evaluate, compare, and rank journals using citation data, click on Journal Citation Reports or Scimago.

Book Catalogs

Consider various subject headings appropriate to your research topic when searching for books in catalogs. A partial list of headings to use are: wildfires, wildfire, forest fires, fire ecology, fire management.

Book catalog resources:

For a detailed view of Dewey Decimal call numbers click on: Dewey Decimal Classification Summaries.

Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Handbooks

Grants and Funding Sources

Legal, Legislative and News Information Sources

Web Sites - Search Engines

Some suggested search engines are:

Citation Guides

Here are some resources to help you manage your bibliographies:

  • CSE Citation Guide
  • Scientific Style and Format: the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers (808.066 S4169)
  • EndNote