Reference and research services are available in person at the Information Center, Level 3, directly across from the library entrance at the Mansfield Library and immediately left of the entrance at the Mansfield Library at Missoula College.
Research and Instruction librarians represent all academic units on campus and may be contacted for individual reference and research assistance either by appointment or during designated office hours.
Users who require extended reference assistance using assistive technology equipment are encouraged to make an appointment.
Guides for specific disciplines such as Art, Ecology, and Psychology. These include links to library databases, websites and other resources.
Guides for specific courses such as WRIT 101 (College Writing), HSTA 371 (Women in America), and PUAD 595 (Environmental Governance & Policy). These include links to library databases, websites and tutorials.
Math and Writing tutoring is often available at the library.
Writing Tutoring, provided by the Writing Center.
Math Tutoring, provided by the Math Learning Center.
Need help writing your thesis or dissertation?
Users with disabilities who need accommodations during library instruction sessions should contact their professor who will make arrangements with the library instructor. Arrangements may include, but are not limited to, scheduling classrooms in the most physically accessible rooms and one-on-one instruction using assistive technology equipment.
Study smarter. Do better research (and, maybe, get a better grade). Choose one of the popular guides below, browse all tutorials, or attend a workshop.
Citation Style Guides and Management Tools - Guide to APA, ASA, Chicago/Turabian, MLA, and science citation styles, as well as information on citing government information and managing your research.
Popular or Scholarly? Evaluating Periodical Literature - Popular magazines and professional or scholarly journals are published periodically and may all be considered periodicals. However, differences between them exist