Need to magnify text but can't bring the material to the Accessible Technology Room in the library? Need a laptop or a scanner? Ask at the check out desk. We have a Portable Text Magnifier, laptops and other equipment available for you to borrow.
Using Zoom, Microsoft TEAMS or other video conferencing software to connect with instructors and students? The following resources will help you keep these remote interactions accessible. For more help contact the university IT services to request additional assistance or training with these tools.
Room 209 on level 2 of the library provides a quiet area for students, faculty and staff to use, individually or in small groups for research and study. A variety of specialized accessibility hardware and software is available for use any time the library is open. You can reserve this space up to two weeks in advance then pick up the key card from the Information Center Check Out Desk.
Specialized equipment includes:
To arrange for training in the use of specialized equipment or software contact IT Accessible Technology Services/ (406) 243-4357 (Voice), Email
Wheelchair accessible - computer on height-adjustable table is available on level 3. This computer includes an easy to read large print keyboard (standard keyboard available at the information center), a flatbed scanner and reading and speech recognition software in addition to the standard software available on all public computers in the library. Priority is given to students, faculty and staff who wish to use the assistive technology software or who require an adjustable height table.
All public computers include:
Windows Accessibility provides convenient, centralized place to locate accessibility settings and programs to make your computer easier to use. For Windows version 7 The Ease of Access Center can be found in the Control Panel by selecting Windows logo key+U and also when logging into Windows. For an overview of Windows 7 accessibility features see the Windows 7 accessibility help page.
Videophone access for the deaf and hard of hearing is available on level 3 near the computer lab. The equipment is available for public use.
The area next to the study rooms, near the emergency exit at the library provides equipment focused on accessibility and student needs. Assistance is available at the library’s main desk.
Specialized equipment includes:
To arrange for training in the use of this equipment IT Accessible Technology Services/ (406) 243-4357 (Voice), Email
For basic questions about assistive technology and software available at the library, ask for assistance from the tech support staff at the Information Center on level 3 or visit our technology support page online. For a list of equipment and software that you can use at the library see our equipment checkout list.
For training on specialized equipment or assistive technologies contact: IT Accessible Technology Services, Social Sciences 120, The University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, Phone: (406) 243-4357 (Voice), Email
Need additional technologies, study space options, or prefer different software? Please contact Teressa Keenan to suggest how we can improve our services.
Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, 32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT 59812 | 406-243-6866 | Contact Us