Located in the UC, offers one-on-one counseling to "help students understand their rights under the Montana Residential Landlord-Tenant
Act, draft grievance and protest letters, and connect students with other community resources that can meet their individual needs."
Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
(406) 243-2017
Emergency shelter and outreach services for adults. Hot meals 11:30am - 1pm and 5 - 6:30pm. Food pantry open some evenings.
1110 W. Broadway Missoula, MT 59801
Front Desk - (406) 728-1809
Johnson St - (406) 529-4185 (Only during Winter months)
Homeless Outreach Team - (406) 493-7955
Offers residential and mental health services to young mothers. Provides case management, therapy, employment support, and more to mothers aged 16-29. Mountain Home’s residential services consist of a 7-bedroom group living home and a 5-unit transitional supportive housing apartment complex for young mothers age 16-24 who are pregnant and/or parenting at least 50% of the time.
2606 S. Avenue Missoula, MT 59804
(406) 541-4663
Pallet Shelter, waitlist referral. Through Hope Rescue Mission.
W. Broadway, Missoula, MT
The Poverello Center is a front door to getting folks in the “system”. Have new residents fill out an intake packet and get it to the Intake Specialist. This system allows different agencies to access updates and information, connecting clients to resources faster/easier.
-Centralized Housing Solution Fund (CHSF)- make referral in CES
Lena Negrate - lln@hrcxi.org
-PSH voucher-complete a MAP assessment and place their client ID in the BNL MCES slack channel
A program of the Missoula Interfaith Collaborative, HAN matches volunteers with individuals and families experiencing or at risk of experiencing houselessness to provide basic housing navigation support, including addressing barriers, accessing resources and housing search. Stop by 10am to noon, Monday through Thursday, to learn more.
2205 34th St, Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 207-8228, ext. 5
Assess homeless individuals and families for transitional or emergency housing resources. Income eligible only
339 West Broadway Missoula, MT 59802
Housing assistance, energy assistance, Federal Section 8 waitlist. Contact the agency for current information about most up to date rental assistance programs. Also houses LIEAP and Vocational Rehab programs.
1801 S Higgins Ave, Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 728-3710
Provides low-cost housing to families "at-cost" with no interest charged. Families must show need, ability to pay, willingness to partner with habitat in building their new home, and residency in Missoula County for at least one year.
3655 Hwy 200 East Missoula, MT 59802
(406) 549-8210
Provides homebuyer education classes, down payment assistance, housing counseling, and financial fitness classes. Also provides affordable, energy-efficient, environmentally & economically sound housing and housing advocacy for low-income families.
1535 Liberty Ln. #116a Missoula, MT 59808
(406) 532-4663
Dubbers Care Foundation is a 501(c)(3) local charity with a mission to support Western Montana families by offering housing assistance due to an emergency or financial crisis. VERY flexible funds for housing retention/assistance. Contact email for more information.
1817 South Ave W Missoula, Missoula County 59801
(406) 926-3434 / dubberscare@gmail.com
Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, 32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT 59812 | 406-243-6866 | Contact Us