Providing Congressional information from 1973-present, this database is published by the Library of Congress. It can be used to track legislation as bills are revised when they go through the House of Representatives and the Senate. A recent example is: H.R. 4810, the Veterans Access to Care Act of 2014.
Use GovTrack to research and track legislation in the United States Congress, including Members of Congress, bills and resolutions, voting records, and committee activity.
House Committee on Veterans Affairs
This website focuses specifically on information and legislation of interest to Veterans. Of current interest is the Veterans Access to Care Act of 2014.
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
This database allows you to search U.S. Government Publications for any topic including the term Veterans. While many of these publications are avaialbe full-text online, the UM Mansfield Library is a member of the Federal Depository Library Program with a Government Documents Librarian who can assist you in locating government publications.
GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys)
The Government Printing Office provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. Through FDsys, you are able to:
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