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Open Access

This guide celebrates Open Access, Open Education, and Open Science and Open Data

What is Open Education?

"Open education is an attitude, a practice, and a method of teaching that inspires inquiry, equal access to course materials, and sharing lessons and materials with the wider community. At the center of open education is the belief that education is strengthened when shared openly. Open education relies on open educational resources (OER) and open licensing." (CCCOER, What is Open Education, retrieved October 2021)

OER save students money; ensure equitable, day-one access to course materials for every student; positively impact student success and retention; are easily integrated into Moodle; and support open and engaging teaching practices.

Robin DeRosa from Plymouth State University gives a short introduction to OER, Open Access, and Open Pedagogy. Intro to Open Education by Robin DeRosa is licensed CC-BY.


A Graduate Student's Guide to Open Education and Scholarship is a free, open resource that provides foundational coverage of all aspects of Open Education, including OER and Open Pedagogy, Open Access, and Open Science and Open Data. Although primarily aimed at graduate students who are interested in careers in higher education, it is recommended for anyone with an interest in Open Education.

Steps You Can Take