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Linguistics Research Guide

Welcome! On these pages you'll find resources for Linguistics at the Mansfield Library and the University of Montana.

Linguistics 473 Language and Culture

This page is intended for students currently enrolled in the course LING 473 Language and Culture.

What are Information Literacy Modules?

The information literacy modules found on this page are sets of online videos, tutorials, and quizzes covering information literacy and critical thinking topics, as well as related subjects and skills.

Look to your syllabus to find out when these modules need to be completed. These will not be graded, but you will receive credit for completing them.

How Do I Use Them?

Click on the link provided to access the modules. When taking a quiz, select "LING 473" under the 'Course' menu, and "Appelbaum" under the 'Instructor' menu.

Information Literacy Module One: Sources of Information

Information Literacy Module Four: Citations & Academic Integrity