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For your Informative and Persuasive Speeches, you need to cite:
A minimum of 3 published sources, with one published within the previous 3 months.
The databases below will help you find articles on your topic. Search using the keywords you have developed, and be prepared to use both broader and narrower search terms to refine your results.
Full text current and archived articles from U.S. and global news sources. Date coverage varies with individual newspaper.
Full text scholarly journal, trade publication, magazine and newspaper articles, books, book reviews, reports, and Associated Press video content, covering all subject areas.
Index to professional and scholarly journals, chapters, books, reports, theses, and dissertations published internationally in psychology and related disciplines such as psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work from 1967-present. Produced by the American Psychological Association.
A multidisciplinary database collection covering business, health/medical, social sciences, education, science/technology, performing/visual arts, history, religion, philosophy, and language/literature. Provides scholarly journals, market research, country/economic/industry reports, pre-print working papers, full text dissertations, as well as a vast number of professional journals, general interest periodicals, and full-text news sources from all over the world. See more... for a listing of the modules available.
ABI/INFORM Collection (1971 - current)
Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection (1971 - current)
Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database
Agriculture Science Database (1998 - current)
Arts & Humanities Database
Asian & European Business Collection (1971 - current)
Australia & New Zealand Database
Biological Science Database
Business Market Research Collection (1986 - current)
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database
Canadian Newsstream
Career & Technical Education Database
Computer Science Database
Consumer Health Database
Continental Europe Database
Criminal Justice Database (1981 - current)
Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database
East & South Asia Database
East Europe, Central Europe Database
Education Database (1988 - current)
Engineering Database
Environmental Science Database
Global Breaking Newswires
Health & Medical Collection
Healthcare Administration Database
India Database (1998 - current)
International Newsstream
Latin America & Iberia Database
Library Science Database (1970 - current)
Linguistics Database
Materials Science Database
Middle East & Africa Database
Military Database
Nursing & Allied Health Database
Political Science Database (1985 - current)
Psychology Database
Public Health Database
Publicly Available Content Database
Religion Database (1986 - current)
Research Library
Science Database
Social Science Database
Sociology Database (1985 - current)
Telecommunications Database (1995 - current)
Turkey Database
UK & Ireland Database
US Newsstream (1980 - current)
Full text titles from around the world (1960-present), including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. It incorporates specialized, editorially-curated abstracting and indexing resources as well as the AGRICOLA and TOXLINE databases and content previously available in ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).
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