Medical learning resources featuring hundreds of books, review questions, cases, videos, podcasts, infographics, interactive 3D modules and more across the basic sciences and clinical specialties.
The complete collection of basic science, clinical medicine, and post-graduate level cases from 23 Case Files® series books. Offers an interactive format to help students learn and apply basic science and clinical medicine concepts in the context of realistic patient cases.
A curated collection of videos on AI—what it is and how to use it—offering a structured, engaging way to teach & learn about this evolving technology. For off campus use, contact to request credentials.
Full text of 11 major editions from the First Folio to the Cambridge edition of 1863-66, 28 separate contemporary printings of individual plays, selected apocrypha and related works and more than 100 adaptations, sequels and burlesques from the 17th-19th centuries. Newly available on the ProQuest platform.
Abstract and citation database containing over 94 million records across all subject areas. Includes over 87 million records post-1969 with references and over 6.5 million records pre-1970, with the oldest record dating back to 1788. Register for an optional account to save searches and set up email alerts. The registration link can be found at the top right within the database. Note: Install the LibKey Nomad extension to improve your research experience.
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You can also use the Advanced Search to help you put together your search terms or build a more advanced query.
Full text scholarly journal, trade publication, magazine and newspaper articles, books, book reviews, reports, and Associated Press video content, covering all subject areas.
Full text of all 2,800+ academic journals on JSTOR that span more than 60 disciplines across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, along with millions of primary sources across four collections: Global Plants, 19th Century British Pamphlets, Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa, and World Heritage Sites: Africa. Also explore 3+ million images from ARTstor and over 10,000 open access books. Note: The library does not license any collections of fee-based books from JSTOR.
Index to professional and scholarly journals, chapters, books, reports, theses, and dissertations published internationally in psychology and related disciplines such as psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work from 1967-present. Produced by the American Psychological Association.
Indexes MEDLINE, a database of scholarly journal articles in the life sciences with a focus on biomedicine, and additional life science journals and online books. Fields include behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering. Install the LibKey Nomad extension to improve your research experience.
Indexes the world's leading peer reviewed journal literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and provides searching of cited references from 1900-present.
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